Obeo Tour of 36805 Reynolds Dr (Tour ID:827426) |
Your Obeo virtual tour has been completed!
36805 Reynolds Dr
Fremont, CA 94536
Contact: Julia Steininger-Durward (ID: 101048)
Branded Tour link: (With your contact info and logo)
Unbranded Tour Link: (No contact information or property details for MLS Systems)
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Obeo Tour Checklist!!!! - If you haven't already done so, please:
- Add your MLS# and Zip code (We can't post your tour to Realtor.com or any other site without it.)
- If you change your MLS#, there may be additional fees from Realtor.com. Click http://clients.obeo.com/realtordetails.htm
- Posting to your MLS: Please view www.obeology101.com for a list of automated sites and manual posting instructions.
- Edit property details: Price, Bedrooms, Baths, etc.
- Photo Order: Don't like the order or name of your rooms? Change it.
- Add Music: Add ambiance to you Obeo Tour.
- Post your Obeo Tour to YouTube: The biggest video site on the web.
- Share your Tour: If you share it they will come.
- Statistics Report: Prove your effectiveness to your sellers with real time stats.
- High Resolution/Medium Resolution Photos: Need brochures or web resolution photos for other sites?
http://highres.obeo.com/index.cfm?TourID=827426 (Photos are kept online for 4 months - Archive charges apply after 6 months)
LOCAL SUPPORT: ObeoPics - 650-585-2241 - SearsHelpDesk@obeo.com
SUPPORT: 1-800-SAY-OBEO (729-6236) | www.Obeo.com/Support | www.Obeology101.com